dovolenky je pre mnohých únik z reality. Niektorí z nás majú tento relax už za
sebou a niektorých táto rozprávka ešte len čaká.
bol môj prvý let lietadlom. Celá nervózna, čo to vlastne bude. Strach a radosť
zároveň. Pocity, ktoré som cítila boli veľmi zvláštne, no potom ako sme vzlietli
som mala pocit voľnosti. Ten krásny výhľad na našu planétu bol neopísateľný.
Pre niektorých je to bežná vec. Pre mňa to bol úžasný zážitok.
Time of vacation is the escape from reality for many of us. Some of us have this relax already in the past and for others, this fairytale is yet to happen. Before me was my first plane flight. Completely nervous, what would that be like. Fear and joy at the same time. Feelings that I felt were really confusing, but soon after we took off I felt the feeling of freedom. That beautiful view at our planet was indescribable. For some it´s a common thing. For me it was an amazing experience.
Time of vacation is the escape from reality for many of us. Some of us have this relax already in the past and for others, this fairytale is yet to happen. Before me was my first plane flight. Completely nervous, what would that be like. Fear and joy at the same time. Feelings that I felt were really confusing, but soon after we took off I felt the feeling of freedom. That beautiful view at our planet was indescribable. For some it´s a common thing. For me it was an amazing experience.
Úzke uličky
Malty, ktorými sme sa často museli pretĺkať nás okúzlili. Hrady a veže, pri
ktorých som sa cítila ako v rozprávky sú úžasné. Majú svoju vlastnú
architektúru, ktorá vám z časti bude pripomínať neďaleké Taliansko a zároveň už
architektúru arabských štátov.
Narrow streets of Malta, which we often had to muddle through, captivated us. Castles and towers, next to which I felt like I was in the fairytale were stunning. They have their own architecture which will partly resemble the nearby Italy to you and and at the same time the architecture of Arab states.
Pláže na Malte sú očarujúce. Okrem azúrovo modrého mora nás čakala pláž, ktorá bola zahalená bielym pieskom. More bolo príjemné a napriek tomu, že sme boli už ďaleko od brehu, tak stále nám voda bola len po členky. Sedieť v mori s tým , že vás zohrieva slnko, popritom sa rozprávať či vytvárať rôzne nezbednosti na priateľa. To bol môj program na takmer celý deň. Lepší spôsob prokrastinácie si neviem predstaviť.
Malta´s beaches are striking. Besides the sky-blue sea there was a beach waiting for us, enshrouded in white sand. Sea had been pleasant and although we were far from the shore, the water was still only ankles-deep. Sitting in the sea, feeling the warmth of sun rays while talking or doing some mischievous things to my boyfriend. That was my program almost throughout the whole day. I can´t even image a better way to procrastinate.
Po večeri nás čakala prechádzka po meste. Po meste,
kde stále bolo rušno. Mesto s celovečerným jagotom svetiel, neutíchajúcim šumom
ľudských hlasov, hudbou, ktorá vás presvedčila o tom, že áno ste v raji. Malta
je krásne miesto. Určite by som sa tam chcela vrátiť, no určite už nie ako
turista, ktorý ide každý deň na pláž. V budúcnosti by som Maltu chcela
preskúmať trocha detailnejšie. Jej stredoveké mestá či krásy, ktoré vytvorila
After the dinner we went for a walk in the city. The city, which was always busy. City with the evening full of sparkling lights, unflagging noise of human voices, music, which convinced you that yes, you are in the paradise. Malta is a beautiful place. I would surely want to go back there, but not as tourist who everyday goes to the beach. In the future I would like to explore Malta more in detail. It´s medieval cities or mesmerising works of nature.
After the dinner we went for a walk in the city. The city, which was always busy. City with the evening full of sparkling lights, unflagging noise of human voices, music, which convinced you that yes, you are in the paradise. Malta is a beautiful place. I would surely want to go back there, but not as tourist who everyday goes to the beach. In the future I would like to explore Malta more in detail. It´s medieval cities or mesmerising works of nature.
Samozrejme by som to nebola ja, keby som si neodniesla
z dovolenky darček v podobe choroby či úrazu. Tento rok som dostal pečiatku od
medúzy na stehne a členku. Dávajte si na to väčší pozor ako ja, fakt je to
nepríjemné a ešte jedna rada keď vás popŕhli raz nekopte do nej. Ani len zo
šoku tak ako som to spravila ja... Poďakovala mi druhým popálením.
Of course it wouldn´t be me if I didn´t bring some present from the vacation such as illness or an injury. This year I´ve recieved a mark from jellyfish on the thigh and ankle. Please be more careful than me, it´s really uncomfortable and one more piece of advice.. When jellyfish nettles you don´t kick it, not even due to shock as I did... She thanked me with another sting.

A ako si zatiaľ užívate vy leto ? :)
Preklad/ Translate : Peter Artimovič
Vypadá to krásně, hned bych také jela! A nezlob se, ale z poučky "když vás medúza popáli jednou, nekopejte do ní" se musím smát :D Možná by z toho jednou mohlo být docela dobré pořekadlo!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťSom rada že som pobavila svojou hlúposťou :D
OdstrániťWOW. Malta je v mojom cestovateľskom Bucket liste, takže tichá závisť :D samozrejme len v dobrom :) krásne fotky, určite úžasné zážitky :) hlavne prvý let je taký pamätný vždy :) a ďakujem za radu, budem si pamätať, že do medúz sa nekope :D