Many people nowdays put high value on their appearance. But first makeup doesn´t usually turn out that well. Maybe not even the second nor third. Each of us is looking for tricks, tutorials, so that it would eventually be better. Sometimes we keep standing in front of a mirror for three hours and it´s still not perfect. Makeup requires certain experience and sometimes luck. Have you had those bad days, during which even your whole makeup looks terrible? I´m sure there are many of us.
Moje beauty rules nie sú vôbec komplikované. 1.pravidlo, ktorým sa riadim, znie nasledovne. Obočie je najdôležitejšia časť tváre. Čo si dnes ako prvé všimnete na fotkách? Určite obočie. Je to súčasť tváre. Častokrát môže zmeniť váš výraz tváre. Rozhodne, keď máte blond vlasy, nedávajte si tmavé obočie! Malo by byť približne rovnakej farby ako vlasy. Nemyslite ani na to, že si ho celé vytrháte a namaľujete - vyzerá to veľmi zle. Dnes je v móde hrubšie - prirodzenejšie obočie. Ak si neviete trhať obočie rovnomerne radšej navštívte kozmetičku. Keď ho vytrháte zle tak jeho úprava bude trvať niekoľko rokov. Tie 3€ raz za 2-3 týždne vás finančne nezruinujú.
My beauty rules are not complicated at all. 1.rule that I follow sounds as following. Eyebrows are the most important face feature. What do you notice nowdays in the photos as first? Surely an eyebrows. It´s face feature. It can many times change your facial expression. Definitely, if you have blonde hair, don´t make your eyebrows dark-coloured! It should be approximately the same colour as your hair. Don´t even think about plucking it all out and drawing it – it looks really bad. Nowdays, more fashionable are thicker - more authentic eyebrows. If you can´t pluck your eyebrows evenly then you´ll better pay visit to a beautician. When the plucking of your eyebrows goes bad, it takes years to fix. Those 3€ once in 2-3 weeks won´t financially destroy you.
My beauty rules are not complicated at all. 1.rule that I follow sounds as following. Eyebrows are the most important face feature. What do you notice nowdays in the photos as first? Surely an eyebrows. It´s face feature. It can many times change your facial expression. Definitely, if you have blonde hair, don´t make your eyebrows dark-coloured! It should be approximately the same colour as your hair. Don´t even think about plucking it all out and drawing it – it looks really bad. Nowdays, more fashionable are thicker - more authentic eyebrows. If you can´t pluck your eyebrows evenly then you´ll better pay visit to a beautician. When the plucking of your eyebrows goes bad, it takes years to fix. Those 3€ once in 2-3 weeks won´t financially destroy you.
2.pravidlo - Nekombinujte veľké množstvo očných tieňov. Áno leto je stvorené pre krásne farby ale povedzme si pravdu - menej je niekedy viac. Ak nechcete vyzerať ako klaun. Tým vám nechcem povedať to, aby ste sa báli farieb. Naopak pokojne si dajte fialový, modrý, žltý rúž, ale zvoľte jednoduché líčenie očí. A ešte jedna rada k očným tieňom. Blendovanie je dosť dôležité. Keď to nerobíte vaše očne tiene vyzerajú ako dve osobitné časti.
2.Rule – Don´t combine lots of eyeshadows. Yes, summer is made for beautiful colours but let´s be honest - Less is sometimes more. If you don´t wanna look like a clown. By that I don´t want to tell you that you should be afraid of colours. On the contrary, you can surely use violet, blue, yellow lipstick but go for a more simple eye makeup. In the end one more piece of advice in using eyeshadows. Blending is really important.When you don´t do that your eyeshadows look like two separate parts.
2.Rule – Don´t combine lots of eyeshadows. Yes, summer is made for beautiful colours but let´s be honest - Less is sometimes more. If you don´t wanna look like a clown. By that I don´t want to tell you that you should be afraid of colours. On the contrary, you can surely use violet, blue, yellow lipstick but go for a more simple eye makeup. In the end one more piece of advice in using eyeshadows. Blending is really important.When you don´t do that your eyeshadows look like two separate parts.
3. pravidlo -Očná linka by nemala byť kostrbatá a tučná. Samozrejme aj mne sa občas podarí alebo skôr nepodarí očná linka podľa predstáv. Na internete existuje niekoľko tipov, rád trikov len na tému očná linka. Ak vám to nejde napriek všetkým návodom skúste zmeniť očnú linku. Občas je problém v type štetca či v type linky. Na začiatky je najlepšie pero neskôr odporúčam tekutú aj gélovú linku od Rimmel, napriek tomu, že s gélovou linkou sa ťažko pracuje.
3. Rule – Your eyeliner shouldn´t be zigzag-ish and fat. Surely even I can sometimes draw it or more likely can´t according to my idea. On the internet there are lots of tutorials, pieces of advice and tricks on the theme of the eyeliner. If you can´t make it right despite all the tutorials, you should change your eyeliner. Sometimes the problem is in the type of brush or in the type of eyeliner. For the beginning, the best tool to use is the pen and later I´ll recommend using gel eyeliner from Rimmel, despite that working with gel eyeliner is really difficult.
3. Rule – Your eyeliner shouldn´t be zigzag-ish and fat. Surely even I can sometimes draw it or more likely can´t according to my idea. On the internet there are lots of tutorials, pieces of advice and tricks on the theme of the eyeliner. If you can´t make it right despite all the tutorials, you should change your eyeliner. Sometimes the problem is in the type of brush or in the type of eyeliner. For the beginning, the best tool to use is the pen and later I´ll recommend using gel eyeliner from Rimmel, despite that working with gel eyeliner is really difficult.
4.pravidlo Na plné pery nepotrebuješ ani lipper ani vysávač stačí ti zubná kefka. Ak túžite mať plné pery, no nemáte na botox ako niekoľko slovenských "celebrít" neodporúčam siahať po lippery. Spôsobuje to vrásky a škodíte aj svojím perám, pretože vám tam praskajú žilky. V podstate si robíte modriny na perách, keď to preháňate. Následne vznikne opuch pier. Pre plnšie pery stačí mäkká zubná kefka a voda. Pery budú plnšie preto, lebo budu prekrvené dokonca z nich odstrániš nadbytočnú odumretú kožu. Samozrejme pery masírujeme jemne.
4. Rule For full lips you don´t need lipper nor vacuum-cleaner, you just need a toothbrush. When you want to have full lips like Kylie Jenner, but you don´t have bottox like few slovakian „celebrities“ I don´t recommend reaching for lippers. It causes wrinkles and you´re damaging your lips, because your capillaries are bursting. Overdoing it causes bruises and painful swelling of lips. For fuller lips you only have to use a toothbrush and water. Lips will be fuller because they´ll congest, and you´ll even get rid of an excessive amount of dead skin cells. And a matter of course is a soft massage.
4. Rule For full lips you don´t need lipper nor vacuum-cleaner, you just need a toothbrush. When you want to have full lips like Kylie Jenner, but you don´t have bottox like few slovakian „celebrities“ I don´t recommend reaching for lippers. It causes wrinkles and you´re damaging your lips, because your capillaries are bursting. Overdoing it causes bruises and painful swelling of lips. For fuller lips you only have to use a toothbrush and water. Lips will be fuller because they´ll congest, and you´ll even get rid of an excessive amount of dead skin cells. And a matter of course is a soft massage.
5. pravidlo Prirodzenosť je najkrajšia. Líčenie, ktoré je jednoduché môže byť rovnako pekné ako líčenie, ktoré je výrazne. Ako sa hovorí menej je niekedy viac. Občas nám netreba farebné rúže, tonu omietky na tvári. Občas stačí len BB cream a špirála a niekedy nepotrebujeme ani to. :)
5. Rule The most beautiful is authenticity. Makeup, which is simple can be as pretty as makeup which is intense. As they say the less is sometimes more. Sometimes we don´t need colorful lipsticks and tons of plaster on the face. Sometimes all we need is just BB cream and mascara and sometimes we don´t even need that. After all, only without all those makeup tools can our skin truly breathe. J
5. Rule The most beautiful is authenticity. Makeup, which is simple can be as pretty as makeup which is intense. As they say the less is sometimes more. Sometimes we don´t need colorful lipsticks and tons of plaster on the face. Sometimes all we need is just BB cream and mascara and sometimes we don´t even need that. After all, only without all those makeup tools can our skin truly breathe. J
Aké sú vaše rady či pravidlá? Stotožnili ste sa aspoň s jedným mojím pravidlom či radou? :) Ak sa vám článok páčil budem rada, ak ho podporíte zdieľaním alebo komentárom :)
What is your advice or beauty rules?
Preklad /Translate : Peter Artimovič
What is your advice or beauty rules?
Preklad /Translate : Peter Artimovič
Veľmi pekný článok :) Súhlasím so všetkými tvojimi radami. Ja sa momentálne moc nelíčim, základ u mňa tvorí bb krém, púder, lícenka, maskara a upravené obočie - tiež si myslím, že obočie je veľmi dôležité :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťSom rada, že sa článok páči :)
OdstrániťNádherný článok! Súhlasím s tebou :D ♥
OdpovedaťOdstrániťGirl with pink nails
Ďakujem :)
OdstrániťSuper tipy! Kéž by se jimi více lidí řídilo :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťGIVEAWAY ♥ Another Dominika
Tak to je pravda :)
OdstrániťNice rules and tips. When I use more eyeshadows on my eyes I make my lips very sfot and almost nude. As you said we don't wanna be lokking like a clown XD kiss^^
Thank you :)